120 N Robertson Blvd 3rd Fl, Los Angeles, CA 90048

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: To change the conversation about what constitutes a healthy business by offering programs that foster wholeness at work and create conditions for individual and communal development.

InnerSections Program - Launched and ran first fully virtual Trusted Leaders program in November 2020 for 12 people.

Educational services and support offered free of charge:- Practice of Self-Management (PSM) - Offered as a pilot program within the DDP-Network for 20 people. Offered publicly as apart of Conscious Capitalism's nation gathering for 200 people.- Deliberately Developmental Practitioners Network (DDP) - Global support community for organizational practitioners who are committed to operating developmentally with 40 members of which 20 are regularly active.Offered PSM as a pilot program for 20 participants.Offered Conscious Transitions, an experiential course in life transitions for 15 participants.- Individual Coaching - Engages individuals in ongoing developmental coaching. Coached five people.

Organizational Resourcing - Working with a service care company interested in transforming how they work and create value for their customers through development. This is a customized educational engagement working with four different groups within their organization on a bi-weekly basis.Program is offered at below market rates.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Adele M MachtingerCFO1$0
Bryan UngardSecretary & Dir16$0
Christopher S FormanPresident2$0

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