1757 Mountain Blvd, Oakland, CA 94611

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The PTA is a partnership between the parents and educators who strive to enhance student learning and enrich the lives of the students about what is happening in their school.

DAYTIME ENRICHMENT PROGRAM - Music programs long ago dropped by most school districts for budget constraints, the PTA provides music classes to all the children in the school. The program stresses vocaL skills & musical performance skills. Everyone is encouraged to have fun while doing his or her best.

Library & Computer Education - provides a working library in the school by (1) employing part-time library activity managers to assist children with reading selections and (2) funding the acquisition of new books. In addition, students in all grades receive instruction in computer use in the school's classrooms. Students learn to interact with computers through the use of teacher-approved educational software. Instruction ranges from word processing to web design. The PTA funds a coordinator, who organizes the program.

Playground Supervision + Physical Education Support+Outdoor activities - provides resources to facilitate healthy and active recess time and conflict resolution skills to children. Programs bring additional physical education games and sports equipment to the school to ensure active play time and thus drive better student behavior both on and off the playground.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Kyle MossTeacher Representative5$0
Lu PearsonTeacher Representative5$0
Maite BarlogaPrincipal5$0
Carlos MartineDads Club5$0
Maria CapitelliRoom Rep Lead5$0
Todd PoletiekTechnology5$0
Therese LeoneEquity & Inclusion5$0
Adam BrinkMembership5$0
Lee-Anne BloomExteranl Affairs5$0
Shuwaski YoungFundraising5$0
Shailey KlinedinstVolunteers5$0
Michele FletcherCorresponding Secretary5$0
Jason HolderParliamentarian2$0
Liz StanleyHistorian5$0
Julie SchindlerAuditor5$0
Matt AguiarFinancial Secretary8$0
Michael LawlessTeasurer8$0
Cathy NagelRecording Secretary5$0
Meghan BootsV.P. Programs5$0
Nancy RompsEXEC. V.P.7$0
Christy AmbrosePresident10$0

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