1610 North Main, Osceola, IA 50213

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Our mission is to distribute used medical equipment to third world hospitals and recycle used clothing, metal, appliances, books, cardboard and shoes. We also conduct mission trips in the U.S.A., Central America and Africa.

We collected and distributed used medical equipment to third world hospitals.

We accepted donations of used materials and recycled these materials by selling them through our thrift store.

We sponsored mission trips to Kenya and Alaska.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Taylor Updikewarehouse worker36$17,845
Kerry Anne Huddlesonstore manager35$17,451
Cherrie Burkwarehouse worker35$17,252
Sasha Myersprogram worker35$16,598
James Cotnerwarehouse worker40$16,213
Mike SitzmanPresident50$13,500
Debra Cotneraccountant20$12,780
Sandy Scaddenstore clerk20$7,692
Jacob Burkwarehouse worker20$6,609
Ronda NernessClerk12$4,519
John Lloydlegal counsel1$0
Michelle FritzVice President3$0
Debra GoerndtSecretary4$0
Hugh StoneTreasurer5$0

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