69 Spring Hill Road, East Sandwich, MA 02537

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: To collect, preserve and maintain historic records and artifacts of The Wing Family of America, Inc.To publish an annual magazine to educate members and public about maintenance of historic and genealogical material.To acquire and hold for historical purposes real estate of historicalfamily interest.To maintain a memorial history center as depository for the histprical archives of the corporation which is open to the public.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Paul B WingDistrict Fourteen Representat0$0
Cynthia DohertyDistrict Thirteen Representat0$0
John Wickham Sr SrDistrict Twelve Representativ0$0
Thomas WingDistrict Eleven Representativ0$0
Joyce SchlimDistrict Ten Representative0$0
Robert Barton WingDistrict Nine Representative0$0
Gary WingDistrict Eight Representative0$0
Gaynor CorleyDistrict Seven Representative0$0
George V WingDistrict Six Representative0$0
Susan LeybaDistrict Five Representative0$0
Chester WingDistrict Four Representative0$0
Lizabeth J FisherDistrict Three Representative0$0
James A WingDistrict Two Representative0$0
Barbara Brann-WeirDistrict One Representative0$0
Rod FloryWebmaster0$0
Lois Wing SmithAsst Editor0$0
Elizabeth FulfordEditor0$0
Victoria GraselaProperty Maintenance Manager0$0
Corron GraselaAsst Curator Sales0$0
James GraselaCurator0$0
Sharon Raymond AhearnAsst Historian0$0
William ImesHistorian0$0
Jerry BonecutterAsst Genealogist0$0
Robert WollanGenealogist0$0
Paul R WingFinance Officer0$0
Meredith LoomisAsst Treasurer0$0
Kathryn DiedrichTreasurer0$0
Kathy C PattonAsst Corresponding Secretary0$0
Robert PayneCorresponding Secretary0$0
Terry WingRecording Secretary0$0
Ginger SchmidtWestern District Coor0$0
Judith C AllenEastern District Coor0$0
Larry E WingVice President0$0
Douglas CutchinPresident0$0

Data for this page was sourced from XML published by IRS (public 990 form dataset) from: