270 Russell Street, hadley, MA 01035

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Proived eductaion, training, and humanitarian aid

Haiti Agriculutral Development continuing our mission of education people in Haitii on the relationship between lifestyle andhealth. Setup an agricutrual training program. Mid year these amounts were transferred out to another non profit company as we split our overseas with our stateside mission.

Health Training Weekend Schools.Pursue our mision in North America with health and lifestyle education courses and training around the country. Develop training materials.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Ricardo HillSecretary10$14,000
Sandra SargentBoard Member0$0
Mark CockerhamBoard Member0$0
Reidland BredyBoard Member0$0
Dr Dolores JacobyBoard Member0$0
Reggie TaylorBoard Member0$0
Elysee Saint ElieBoard Member0$0
Daffodil BaezBoard Member0$0
Lance WilburPresident5$0

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