534 School Street PO Box 368, Webster, MA 01570

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: To support, promote and maintain health and welfare of the inhabitants of the community; to prevent disease; to provide supportive services designed to enable the frail elderly to remain at home and avoid institutionalization; to provide private duty nursing, housekeepers, companion services, and other forms of custodial care; to serve individuals, families and the community without regard to race, ethnic origin, creed, or sex; to enlist and utilize human resource within the community to meet human needs; to develop promote and encourage public participation in charitable, scientific or educational public services and programs addressing the physical and mental needs of individuals and of the community at large.

Home health care program is designed to provide basic health care services to patients who can be cared for at home.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Lisa SabacinskiFinancial Director1$0
Jacklyn FlemingExecutive Director1$0
Joyce MezzoniMember1$0
Mary StacyMember1$0
Ellen GevrySecretary1$0
Constance FavreauPresident/Treasurer1$0

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