26 Shrewsbury St, West Boylston, MA 01583

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: To serve refugees, immigrants, and the otherwise underserved in the Greater Worcester community through charity, advocacy, social itegration and improved access to programs and services, with special focus on youth and eductation

Safe School Spaces Scholarship ProgramThe program takes kids out of environments where their educational outlook is bleak due to the existing schools inability to service their specific needs, such as English as a Second Language support. To rescue children of color and from diverse ethnic backgrounds from being the subject of racism, bullying, and discrimination by peers, which schools lack the resources or commitment to address. Socially and emotionally students outcomes are vastly improved by attending smaller, better-resourced, private institutions where their academic and social needs are more easily met. Students receiving this benefit are typically refugees or other low-income individuals for whom private education is not accessible. 15 students received scholarships in 2018 and 43 students in 2019. Educational outcomes have improved, measured through grades and other criteria. In 2020 2 students graduated to higher caliber private and technical schools.

Food/Clothing/Hygiene/School Supplies DistributionAnsaar of Worcester supplements food stamps and other benefits by helping local families tackle food insecurity. Furthermore, the program provides culturally relevant food items on a regular basis, as well as on an emergency and crisis basis. Food supplements for staple items allow families to focus their food stamps benefits on fresh, nutritious items such as fruits, vegetables, dairy and protein, allowing them to better afford a nutritious diet. Hygiene products are necessary for the maintenance of health and prevention of illness and health conditions. In addition, these are not accessible with food stamps: therefore, Ansaar provides access to these necessary items. School supply distributions ensure that students have equal access to educations, despite being low income. Over the course of 2019, more than 2000 individual benefited from the distribution of these various items.

Emergency Crisis AssistanceAnsaar receives requests for emergency crisis to help families afford their expenses when an unexpected situation has befallen them. For example, the sudden loss of a job, death, disability, or development of a serious illness can have a significant effect on the familys ability to sustain their living. Emergency crisis funds go to assist clients facing eviction, overwhelming hospital bills, expensive care repairs, and legal costs. In 2019, 6 clients applied for and received this type of assistance.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Stephen IvesTreasurer10$0
Omar Ghazi AlsheikhDirector2$0
Fayrous HassanDirector4$0
Mohsina AlomDirector2$0
Fasha AhmedDirector6$0
Hafsa DandiaDirector4$0
Noriah NorDirector Clerk2$0
Mona IvesPresident & Chairperson25$0

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