10030 County Road 288, Anna, TX 75409

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: DRR works to rescue stray dogs and those from pupply mills and shelters. DRR provides necessary medical care, food, housing, socialization and rehabilition for each rescued dog in need.

Veterinary/medical expenses - Every dog that we rescue is in need of some type of medical treatment: broken legs, heartworm treatment, spay, neuter, skin infection, total ear canal ablation, eye surgery, emergency medical care, specialized medical care with heart surgeons, etc. Over the past year we have treated over 200 dogs.

Dog Purchase Expense - We go to puppy mill auctions where owners are taking their dogs to sell them to other puppy mills to use as breeders whereby increasing the number of dogs that have to be euthanized in the United States on a daily basis. We buy the dog from the puppy mill owners and begin medical treatment and have the dog spayed or neutered to stop the cycle from repeating itself. Puppy mills in the united States are under-regulated and dogs that come from puppy mills are treated inhumanely and are often in need of extensive medical treatment. We also rescue dogs from Craigslist that are being sold to continue to be bred and thereby increasing the over population and need for euthanasia. In both situations we must pay for the freedom of the dog in order to spay or neuter it. Over the past year, we have rescued, treated and re-homed over 200 dogs.

Fundraising merchandise - We buy t-shirts, brick pavers and other merchandise that we need to sell to individuals in order to raise money for the rescue.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Laura GallowaySecretary21$0
Jessica LandTreasurer25$0
Renee EdenPresident25$0

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