PO Box 1395, Del Valle, TX 786171395

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Empowering central Texans to build stronger communities through planting and caring for trees.

Planted over 13,000 native trees along waterways in urban areas through the Communitrees program; Engaged 850 volunteers; Distributed 4,8000 5-gallon trees to Austin residents; Planted 86 acres of floodplain land using the Rapid Riparian Reforestation method; Produced 12 educational videos available online; Enrolled 30 students into the Urban Forest Stewards program.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Andrew SmileyExecutive Director40$77,254
Marshawn DennyOperations Director40$59,740
Marcus GoreSecretary1$0
Brett ThompsonTreasurer1$0
Kimberly White ErlingerVice President1$0
Vincent DebrockVice President1$0
Abi ShirleyPresident1$0
Richard CraigDirector0.5$0
Raymond CastilloDirector0.5$0
Kyle HoskinsDirector0.5$0
Katharine BiesnerDirector0.5$0
Kate ThompsonDirector0.5$0
Greg IpollitoDirector0.5$0
Clark BockhahnDirector0.5$0
Christy WilliamsDirector0.5$0
Alexa LokenDirector0.5$0
Aaron OdlandDirector0.5$0
Rich DepalmaDirector0.5$0
Mary Ann NeelyDirector0.5$0

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