1221 N Hopson, Denison, TX 75092

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Job Training and Educational Opportunities for young men.

The Organization houses young men being assisted through the programs sponsored by the organization. Young men with criminal histories are currently residing in the house and are being provided counseling, job training, and education.

The organization continued to employ the young men residing at House of Eli and participating in the program. Funds ran through Eli Brothers a division of the House of Eli which continuted to purchase houses in order to sell them in order to provide construction work training to the residents. House purchases and renovations were the primary focus in 2019

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Nic EmmonsMember at Large1$0
Kelli MoechelleMember at Large1$0
Debbie CrumpMember at Large1$0
Theresa DicksonMember at Large1$0
Meredith ShieldsN.A1$0
James ParkerTreasurer1$0
Bruce DawseyVice President1$0
Lynne SipioraPresident5$0
Tawni HodgeExecutive Director40$0

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