120 POINT THEATRE ROAD, INGAM, TX 78025 www.hcaf.com

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The mission of the Hill Country Arts Foundation is to provide a center for the arts that promotes education and community involvement in the arts.

Annually, HCAF serves over 24,000 people of all ages and utilizes over 400 volunteers. The performing arts department produces seven community theatre productions each year utilizing the foundations 722-seat outdoor amphitheater on the banks of the Guadalupe river, the Smith-Ritch Pointe Theatre, and the intimate 150-seat Elizabeth Huth Coates indoor theatre. Artists and craftspeople of all media teach and learn in the Foundations 1900 square foot fine arts gallery and adjoining creekside studios, the Duncan/Mcashan visual arts center. The Center houses two specialty facilities a studio with three presses for hand pulled prints, and a ceramics studio with multiple kilns and raku firing equipment. the department annually holds educational workshops for artists of all ages.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Terri StierenDIRECTOR1$0
Diane OehlerDIRECTOR1$0
Deda GarlitzDIRECTOR1$0
Elizabeth Early SheehanDIRECTOR1$0
Kerry SuttonDIRECTOR1$0
Tammi BinghamSECRETARY1$0
Michael DouvilleTREASURER1$0
Robert Kluting2ND VICE PRESIDENT1$0
Chuck ChandlerPRESIDENT5$0

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