P O Box 1257, Kingsville, TX 783641257

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Promote and maintain purebred cattle registry for the Santa Gertrudis Breed; record ancestry and maintain herdbook.

Inspection and recording of Santa Gertrudis Cattle; recording ancestry; maintaining herdbook, pedigree records. Developing and maintaining performance records. Collection and analysis of raw data in order to develop performance records. Develop and distribute promotional materials and information.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
John E FordExecutive Director40$80,000
Webb FieldsExecutive Director-In Training0$33,783
Ryan CowartDirector1$0
Arlin TaylorDirector1$0
Eric WileyDirector1$0
David AldersonDirector1$0
Rafael MirandaDirector1$0
Craig LopossaDirector1$0
C Tylor BraedenDirector1$0
Todd OsborneDirector1$0
Jamie DanielDirector1$0
Tony CreechDirector1$0
Nancy WunderlichPresident Elect1$0
Debbie TownsendSec/Treasurer7.2$0
Alicia SanchezVP - Planning1$0
Allen ClarkVP Membership5$0
Kathryn Hefte PettyVP Breed Improv12$0
Betty MccormickVP Youth Activi5$0
Gene KubeckaVP Marketing3$0
Jerome UrbanoskyPresident5.4$0

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