PO BOX 685, LINDALE, TX 75771

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The purpose of the fire department is the protection of life and property against any hazards. The fire department is composed of personnel whose lives are devoted to helping others. An efficient fire department is an organization of personnel selected for definite aptitudes and characteristics, trained in skills and attitudes that will produce fire fighters that can do their job efficiently with the least effort, and in the shortest time with the greatest safety possible.

Fire Prevention & Education, Fire Protection, and Emergency Services for approximately 22,000 citizens of northwestern Smith County, Texas.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Clay WilliamsonASST CHIEF20$22,846
Jordan HicksTreasurer20$20,439
Trevor SmyrlCAPTAIN20$16,972
Josh JohnsonCAPTAIN20$12,557
Jeremy LarueCAPTAIN20$12,424
Jacob GreenLIEUTENANT20$12,083
Troy PritchardLIEUTENANT20$7,203
Joe YeakleyFIRE CHIEF30$6,195
Chris MahlerASST CHIEF20$4,180

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