119 ROBIN GLENN LN, OVILLA, TX 75154 www.soaringeaglecenter.org

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Our mission is to provide life-long solutions for the social, educational, vocational, and residential needs of adults with intellectual and develomental disabilities.

PROVIDER SERVICES The Soaring Eagle Center is a provider for HCS and Texas Home Living services which are Medicaid Waiver programs. We provide services such as community support, respite, transportation, nursing, therapies speech and occupational, and behavior support for individuals who are part of these waiver programs. We contract with Texas Health and Human Services to supervise and pay the caregivers and therapists who provide these services.

ASSOCIATES DAY PROGRAM The program meets Monday through Friday from 900 to 230 and is open to adults who have finished high school and are diagnosed with an intellectual and developmental disability. After high school, the state does not provide programs for adults with IDD. Our program fills this gap. The adults who attend the day program attend classes to improve their academic skills, participate in field trips and community activities, complete activities to increase daily living skills, have the option to work for pay in our thrift shop and develop life-long friendships by playing and laughing together. The program currently serves thirty-two adults.

THRIFT SHOP The Soaring Eagle Thrift Shop fulfills two purposes for our program 1 provides a place for associates who want to work -- they work one hour a week and are paid minimum wage and 2 provides an opportunity for associates to participate in the community through their relationships with our customers.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Michele ThomasEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR40$43,269
Marilyn BurnsBOARD MEMBER1$0
Kerry PearsonBOARD MEMBER0.5$0
Scott JilesBOARD MEMBER0.5$0
Gary BradshawBOARD MEMBER2$0
Marilyn BurnsBOARD MEMBER0.5$0
Jana RogersBOARD MEMBER1$0
Haleigh Pile-NixTREASURER1$0
Tony AvilesSECRETARY1$0
Dalia LetteriVICE PRESIDENT20$0
Jeff WestlundPRESIDENT20$0

Data for this page was sourced from XML published by IRS (public 990 form dataset) from: https://s3.amazonaws.com/irs-form-990/202023159349304922_public.xml