PO Box 502, Perryton, TX 79070

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The Panhandle Crisis Center is a community-based organization for victims of family violence and sexual assault. Our primary purpose is to help, shelter, and support victims of family violence and to eliminate violence within the family. The ultimate goals of Panhandle Crisis Center are:-Provide adequate quality of protection, shelter and other servies for all victims of family violence and sexual assualt who need such services. -Provide short-term counseling and emotional support for victims of family violence and sexual assault. -Help empower victims of family violence and sexual assault to become and remain self-supporting and self-sufficient. -Promote public awareness and understanding of victims of family violence and sexual assault and provide appropriate referrals to the violent family member.

To help, shelter, and support victims of family violence and sexual assault and to eliminate violence within the family.

Panhandle Crisis Center provides services free of charge to adult and child victims of family violence and sexual assault. Services include 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency family violence shelter for victims and their children, individual and group counseling, food, clothing, financial assistance, and legal advocacy. Public education programs are also provided to businesses, organizations, churches, schools, and other interested groups on subjects of domestic violence or sexual assault. 326 adults and children were served face-to-face in 2018-2019 and 681 educational programs were provided to the public in Ochiltree, Hansford, and Lipscomb Counties.

The Center operates a Resale Store from which its donated supply of clothing, kitchen and household items, and furniture is sold. The profit from the store assists in funding vital services to victims of family violence and sexual assault. Victims receive needed items free of charge.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Cindy SmithExecutive Dir.40$61,749
Doris AkersSecretary2$0
Lori DollarChairman2$0
Rhonda AppelhansTreasurer2$0
April SnyderVice Chairman2$0
Carol WeistBoard Member1$0
Miguel ValenzuelaBoard Member1$0
Patricia AndradeBoard Member1$0
Bryan WaterburyBoard Member1$0
Teresa RobinsonBoard Member1$0
Richie GastineauBoard Member1$0
Chad JohnsonBoard Member1$0
Christy HartBoard Member1$0
Dorothy CatorBoard Member1$0

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