PO BOX 1157, ROANOKE, TX 76262

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Help veterans transition to civilian lives of purpose and hope using a holistic approach of 5 (five) measured areas of functional fitness: emotional, physical, social, professional and spiritual. As a result of fostering a purpose-filled life, we hope to reduce unemployment, homelessness, and suicide rates in our veteran population.

Help every veteran transition from active military service to a civilian life filled with hope and purpose regardless of era or branch. GallantFew provided 2,317 services to 1005 veterans in 2019. Since 2014, GallantFew has provided nearly 9,000 services to veterans.

VETERAN MENTORING: GallantFew has continued to refine one-on-one mentoring. By using the Azimuth Check Survey ( to establish a baseline for the veteran in five functional areas, we then identify methodologies to improve fitness levels in each of the five areas--physical, social, spiritual, professional and emotional. "The key in this concept is to connect a veteran with a mentor." The mentors are also veterans with similar backgrounds and in the same local area who have successfully transitioned and are willing to share the lessons they have learned and experienced. This connection helps overcome isolation which we believe is the greatest threat to a veteran's successful transition. In addition to overseeing the above programs, GallantFew provided 765 services to veterans not specifically designated to a program. GallantFew also began work on establishing a national resource group for corporations wanting to provide internal support for employee veterans.

RAIDER PROJECT: The Raider Project is a focused effort on the Marine Corps Special Operations (Raiders)community. We anticipate Raider Project transitioning to become its own nonprofit in 2020. The 670 services provided in 2019 include a climbing retreat to Joshua Tree, California; a marriage/couples retreat in Wilmington, North Carolina; indoor rock climbing; surf link-ups; employment assistance and emotional fitness coaching. This program is led by a volunteer director, Marine Corps Raider combat veteran.

DARBY PROJECT: The Darby Project serves US Army Rangers, active duty and veteran members of the 75th Ranger Regiment, and US Army Ranger School qualified soldiers. These men and women are specially selected and well-trained soldiers. The resilient nature of Rangers results in common failures to seek assistance before a personal or professional issue creates emotional, physical and financial strain. The Darby Project provided 471 services to Rangers and their families in 2019 focused on transition assistance, financial assistance, and substance abuse treatment. This number does not include several hundred active duty Rangers in seminars. In 2019 Darby Project helped the Ranger Regiment improve the Ranger for Life Program, encouraging each Ranger to improve in the "big five": emotional, spiritual, physical, social and professional areas. Darby Project is led by a 75th Ranger Regiment combat veteran.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Karl MongerEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR65$68,000
Richard WelshChairman1$0
Frank CampanaroOFFICER/BRD MBR0.5$0
Tim AbellBOARD MEMBER0.5$0
Dan AllynBOARD MEMBER0.5$0
Mike HallBOARD MEMBER0.5$0
Gerald DinkelBOARD MEMBER0.5$0
Steven BarberBOARD MEMBER0.5$0
Kelly CastonguayBOARD MEMBER1$0

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