12919 SW Freeway Ste 100, Stafford, TX 77477

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The mission of Candlelighters Childhood Family Alliance is to provide emotional educational, and practical support to childrenwith cancer and their families. In addition Candlelighters desires to promote childhood cancer awareness in our community

Parent Consultant Program - each month Candlelighters serve 800-1100 families who are receiving cancer treatment for their child at the Medical Center and/or who resides in one of the 13 counties of the greater Houston area

Program - Family Camp provide recreational diversion for families of children undergoing treatment for cancer, a total of 253 campers attended this years outing.

Patient Parking - Parking validations are available to pay part of the parking expense during hospital stays or clinic visits in 2019 we provided over 9,000 parking validations

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Gay FoustEXEC DIRECTOR40$118,336
Kenny MatulaDirector2$0
Dr Douglas HarrisonDIRECTOR2$0
Stephanie DeverkaDIRECTOR2$0
Sam GovernaleDIRECTOR2$0
Brad ChinDIRECTOR2$0
Christopher JosephDIRECTOR2$0
Jenna JacksonDIRECTOR2$0
Angela DinaDIRECTOR2$0
Katie StantonDirector2$0
Joellen SnowDirector2$0
Cindi Ditta-PriebeDirector2$0
Ben PislakDirector2$0
Dave MallyDIRECTOR2$0
Dr Zoann DreyerDIRECTOR2$0
Scott NewellDIRECTOR2$0
Jay BeasleyDIRECTOR2$0
Aron WillDIRECTOR2$0
Alex NewtonDIRECTOR2$0
Linda EvansDIRECTOR2$0
Lisa O'LearyDirector2$0

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