4324 Georgia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20011

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The Foundation seeks to promote and preserve the Islamic heritage, the cultural and social values of the First Hijrah community in order to foster the Islamic principles of brotherhood, equality, mutual assistance and teachings of peace, love and justice.

Provide Muslim Prayer Services to members and Public at large Assist individuals through tough times

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Lula FeqihSecretary6$0
Azeb AbdellaTreasurer5$0
Awel Ibrahim AhmedVice President5$0
Najib MohammedPresident10$0
Ali BeshirBOD Member12$0
Zenith MohammedBOD Member12$0
Mebruk MohammedBOD Member3$0
Ahmed AbdullahiBOD Member3$0
Miftah SemanBOD Member10$0
Meseret NuruBOD Member12$0
Mahmoud DinoBOD Member12$0
Adem BeyeneBOD Member12$0
Abdimelik MohammedBOD Member12$0

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