142 42ND STREET NE, Washington, DC 20019

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The mission of Gods Victorious Ministries, is to represent Christ i serving the District of Columbia and global community as the body of Christ with love, support and integrity. By empowering people spiritually, educationally, they will be encouraged and motivated to glorify God

We used the 8 passenger car to transport those in need of employment to local job fairs, Seniors to their wellness appointments and others to receive assistance with getting help with their back rent, food pantries or furniture from other organizations. We also transported re-entry people to their probation meetings and job fairs. We assist with transportation for the Seniors to go grocery shopping or to pick up their medicine from the pharmacies. We also check in on the sick and shut in, patrons who could not make it to prayer service.To pick up and transport items to and for community outreach events and church services and communion.

Our annual Christmas party consist of 92 children from low-income Families for whom we purchased brand new toys for. We went to the stores and purchased the toys and gift wrapping along with party wera items i.e. paper plates, cups, forks, napkins, juice and ice cream. We ordered 15 medium two-topping pizzas for the children to eat. We transported families who did not have transportation to the party and took them back home afterwards. At the party we had, a Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, we did party games, read Twas The Night Before Christmas and sang Christmas carols. We then had dinner and then passed out the toys to the children. The kids took pictures with Santa and then we had cake and ice cream. afterwards, we payed for safety and gave thanks for the blessings and dismissed for home.

Turkey Basket Giveaway consist of whole fresh turkeys, stuffing, cranberries, potatoes, fresh rolls, vegetables and fruit. We serve the low-income residents of Washington, DC. Many are single parents with more than two children and also our Seniors who live in nursing homes. We are responsible for picking up the food, making up the baskets and transporting them to the recipients homes. We conclude with a short thanksgiving prayer.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Taita KittTREASURER4$0
Tanya SmallsPRESIDENT40$0
Tamara SmallsVICE PRESIDENT20$0

Data for this page was sourced from XML published by IRS (public 990 form dataset) from: https://s3.amazonaws.com/irs-form-990/201921869349300522_public.xml

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