516 Prospect Street, Maplewood Avenue, NJ 07040

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The mission of the Organiztaion is to build and sustain a community that is racially , culturally, and socially integrated and truly inclusive where there are equity and equality for all.

Conversation on Race: It is an annual event whereby experts were invited to discuss ways to forster racial harmony. Discussions emphasized how to confront insitutional racism, respect for individal cultures and values Diversity brings social cohesion and strenghtens community.

Black History Eventwhich is principally educational in nature was designed to highlights the contributions of notable African Americans who have played key roles in the advancement of the African American Community.The event is to honor their legacy and sacrfices to the the the nation.

Community Engagement - The Organization Organized series of events Annual MLK Observance & Volunteer Fair, Board of Education candidate night, Annual Preschool Open House, Talking to Children About Race, New Teacher Orientation . These events were designed to forster community interaction and integration and networking opportunities for the community.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Nancy GagnierExecutive Director30$46,347
Audrey W RoweProgram Officer30$24,720
Allison ZiefertTrustee2$0
TrusteeBarbara Velazquez2$0
TrusteeLiz Testa2$0
TrusteeErin Scherzer2$0
TrusteeMarty Remy2$0
TrusteeFred R. Profeta. Jr.2$0
TrusteeRhea Mokund-Beck2$0
TrusteeNiv Miyasato2$0
TrusteeKristin Mahoney2$0
TrusteeJohn Kerner2$0
TrusteeSummer Jones2$0
TrusteeDavid Harris2$0
Ex-OfficioLeila Gonzalez Sullivan1$0
TrusteeVic DeLuca2$0
TrusteeTegan Culler2$0
Lee Boswell MayCollen Breslin2$0
Ed StuartVice Chair4$0
Abigail CotlerVice Chair4$0
Robert MarchmanImmediate Past Chair4$0
Catherine CroninVice Chair4$0
Carol Barry-AustinVice-Chair4$0
Kelly QuirkChair4$0

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