Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: To support and defend the Constitution of the United States; to inculcate loyalty and allegiance to the United States of America; to promote and foster the enforcement of law and order; to improve the individual and collective proficiency of our members in the performance of their duties; to encourage fraternal, educational, charitable and social activities among law enforcement officers; to advocate and strive for uniform application of the civil service merit system for appointment and promotion; to support the improvement of the standard of living and working conditions of the law enforcement profession through every legal and ethical means available; to create and maintain tradition of esprit de corps insuring fidelity to duty under all conditions and circumstances; to cultivate a spirit of fraternalism and mutual helpfulness among our members and the people we serve; to increase the efficiency of the law enforcement profession and thus more firmly to establish the confidence of th

Our lodge of over 300 members supports numerous charitable endeavors such as the George Bowman Fund of the NJ State FOP, which benefits the widows and families of slain law enforcement officers. Locally, we contribute generously to the Bancraft School in Haddonfield which provides care to children with autism, brain injuries and developmental disabilities. Our High School scholarship program provides a graduating high school senior from each of the high schools within our lodges jursisdiction (Shawnee HS in Medford, Eastern HS in voorehees, Triton HS in Runnemede, Overbrook HS in Pine Hill) wishing to pursue a career in criminal justice with a $500 scholarship each year. We also support the Special Olympics, and Deborah Heart and Lung Center. We are also actively involved in our respective communities throught support of youth baseball and softball team sponsorships, and public events such as the Medford Twp. Halloween parade.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
James AlbertsonSERG. AT ARMS8$0
Dean FillariCHAPLAIN8$0
William KnechtTrustee8$0
George FlynnTrustee8$0
Bryan CurryTrustee8$0
Howard BlackTreasurer8$0
Donald BrownREC. SEC.8$0
David PfeifferVice President8$0
Wayne BonfiglioPresident8$0

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