PO Box 7815, West Trenton, NJ 08628

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Preservation New Jersey promotes the economic vitality, sustainability, and heritage of New Jerseys diverse communities through advocacy and education about historic preservation.

Programs include advocacy for sound policy on behalf of the historic preservation community, including adaptive re-use and sustainable resource programs, conducting lectures, tours and workshops to educate the public, providing technical assistance through its board and employees as well as promoting cooperation among resources, and provides stewardship through 10 Most Endangered Places and easement services.

Preservation New Jersey continues its responsibility via a 50-year lease signed in 2012 for the preservation, rehabilitation and reuse of the 1867 Sanctuary at Ewing, the historic former worship space of the First Presbyterian Church of Ewing, NJ. An iconic and rare Romanesque Revival-style structure built in 1867, it was rescued from demolition by a small group of local activists, and now serves as a model of adaptive reuse.The building currently hosts concerts and cultural events open to the general public, as well as being available to rent for private events. The venue is administered and operated by a committee of Preservation NJ volunteers. Funds raised enable the operation and continuing renovations of this historic structure.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Courtenay D MercerExecutive Dir.8$21,061
Emily ManzExecutive Dir.2$0
David ReadingDirector2$0
Mark NonestiedDirector2$0
Judith FlynnTreasurer2$0
William NeumannDirector2$0
Barton RossPresident4$0
Paul MuirDirector2$0
William MichelsonDirector2$0
Michael J MarguliesDirector2$0
Robert KullDirector20$0
Madeleine HelmerDirector2$0
Maria Cerda-MorenoDirector2$0
Matt PisarskiVice President2$0
Jack AbgottSecretary2$0
Frank BanischDirector2$0
Michael HanrahanDirector2$0

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