40 Fulton Street 18th Floor, New York, NY 10038

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: To improve the health, independence, and quality of life of all older people. All older adults and caregivers will be empowered to actively participate in health care and decision-making.

To improve the health, independence, and quality of life of all older people.

Maintenance & Content updates for provides consumers and caregivers with up-to-date information on health and aging. Overseen by a team of experts on caring for older adults, content is based on resources that the American Geriatrics society has developed for its professional members.

The Health in Aging Foundation's Student Researcher Fund supports trainees who are invited to attend the American Geriatrics Society's Annual Scientific Meeting and present their geriatrics research at the special student poster session. Student researchers who attend the annual meeting have the opportunity to interact with geriatrics professionals from a range of disciplines and to learn about cutting edge research, innovations in clinical care, and educational and career opportunities.

Annual recognition of distinguished achievements in the field of geriatrics with special awards advancing clinical care and geriatrics research. The Silverstein Memorial Award recognizes emerging investigators whose research is focused on the role of geriatrics expertise in their specialties, and who are committed to careers in aging research. The Thomas and Catherin Yoshikawa Award recognizes emerging geriatric scholars who represent the early promise of the Yoshikawa's illustrious career. The Arti Hurria Memorial Award for emerging investigators in internal medicine who are focus on the care of older adults supports the next generation of clinician investigators in internal medicine who are dedicating their careers to improving care of older adults through a research career focused on aging.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Lynn Spragens MbaDirector1$0
Michael Wasserman MdDirector1$0
F Michael Gloth Iii Md FacpDirector1$0
James Pacala Md MsDirector1$0
Sharon Brangman Md AgsfDirector1$0
Joseph G Ouslander Md AgsfTreasurer1$0
Jerry C Johnson Md AgsfVice Chair1$0
Jan Busby-Whitehead Md AgsfChair2$0

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