2350 Indianola Ave, Columbus, OH 43202

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: We share the principles and practices of compassionate-nonviolent communication with individuals, groups & organizations and develop leaders and facilitators in order to more broadly share this work.

Compassionate Communication Center of Ohio shares the principles & practices of Nonviolent Communication as developed by psychologist Dr. Marshall Rosenberg and inspired by the teachings of Ghandhi & Martin Luther King, Jr.

CCCO provided 15 educational events for the public with a total of 481 people in attendance as well as 11 organizational training groups for specific groups with an estimated attendance of 250 individuals.

Support for the development of trainers that can provide nonviolent communication education

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Marcelle GilkersenOutreach & Development15$16,000
Teresa SpeakmanOperations Manager20$14,000
Susanna WarrenProgram Director7$7,000
Dot Erickson-AndersonFiscal Director20$6,000
Pat De SilvaLogistic Coordinator6$4,000
Monica Szonn-LillardSecretary2$0
Amy WatsonMember At Large3$0
Janine Harris-DegitzCoPresident4$0
Gary KoppMember at large2$0
John HensonBoard Treasurer2$0
Carole MengeCoPresident4$0
Kris KellerMember At Large2$0

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