1091 West Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43222

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: A neighborhood based, not-for-profit, business organization committed to identifying and responding to the changing needs and concerns of the business community in Franklinton. We strive to make Franklinton a better place to work, shop, and live through the enhancement of its institutions, business retention, development, and expansion. Fostering job creation, plus partnering with community organizations on projects to fulfill our responsibilities to the community.

Special Improvement District (SID)- The Franklinton Board of Trade supported and helped to facilitate the formation of a Special Improvement District (SID) within the Franklinton, OH area. This included hiring and utilizing an outside consultant to assist with the process, meeting with City of Columbus officials, and functions to foster communication with and awareness of the businees community working within the SID boundaries in order to garner support for the formation of the SID. Programs and services anticipated to be operated through the SID will center on cleanliness and litter abatement, safety, beautification, and programs to further enable business development and community activities within the Franklinton area in keeping with the Franklinton Board of Trade's mission.

National Night Out- Franklinton is an annual community event that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make neighborhoods safer and more caring places to live.

Monthly Luncheons/Annual Meeting/Business After Hours- These Franklinton Board of Trade functions provide members and others in the community the opprtunity to network and to hear presentations from businesses, non-profits, and other community organizations in the Franklinton area. The Annual Meeting is an opprtunity to hear about the accomplishments, membership development and financial performance of the Franklinton Board of Trade for the year, and to recognize individuals and entities for their participation and accomplishments.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Trent SmithExecutive Dir.40$51,321
Kim KiehlTrustee0.5$0
Cynthia LanghirtTrustee0.5$0
Brian BainbridgeTrustee0.5$0
Chuck GillerSecretary0.5$0
Tom PalmerPresident0.5$0
Isabela GouldTrustee0.5$0
Jeff MohrmanTrustee0.5$0
Jason KomaTrustee0.5$0
Peggy FrebaultTrustee0.5$0
Mark GabelTrustee0.5$0
Lynn KeeferTreasurer0.75$0
Kathy GatterdamTrustee0.5$0

Data for this page was sourced from XML published by IRS (public 990 form dataset) from: