1950 N Fourth St, Columbus, OH 43201

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Neighborhood Services, Inc. aims to temper the ill effects of poverty by providing food and material assistance to persons in need in the Columbus community. We partner with Mid-Ohio Food bank, local grocer and organizations to stock our pantry and offer a 7 day supply of food on each visit according to family size.

Neighborhood Services, Inc. aims to temper the ill effects of poverty by providing food and material assistance to persons in need in the Columbus community. We partner with

Neighborhood Services, Inc. improves the quality of life in the Columbus community by compassionately and respectfully providing food and material assistance for individuals residing in Franklin County, Ohio and once per month in the 43201, 43202, 43210, 43211,43220 and 43221 zip code service area. In 2019, 10,020 families (34,533 individuals)received a five day supply of food from our choice food pantry(656,347 meals),771 families received holiday food baskets,57 homeless neighbors received a "Go Bag", 745 families visited our monthly fresh produce market, 176 families received Back to School backpacks, 772 families received presents through our Christmas Toy Adoption, 1,290 seniors received a food box through the CFSP program and 235 people filed taxes through our AARP Tax Aide assistance program.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Martin ButlerExecutive Director40$58,075
Michael SchmidtBoard1$0
Emily NeverveldBoard1$0
Jalisa DawkinsBoard1$0
Wendy ReichenbachBoard1$0
Dr Jill ClarkBoard1$0
Rachel WenningSecretary1$0
Amanda WurstBoad1$0
Robb TarrBoard1$0
Winnie JacksonBoard1$0
Dr Randi LovePresident1$0
Jane PfeiferBoard-Treasurer1$0

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