40 Northwoods Blvd, Columbus, OH 432354718 www.ohiopta.org

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Organizations Mission : Be a powerful voice for children, a relevant resource for families, and a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.

STATE AND NATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND MEETINGS :Annual conventions held at the State and National levels, to further the educational level of members and the general public. The State Convention was held in Dublin, Ohio on April 12-14, 2019. The number of delegates attending was 150-200. The Convention included business meetings, workshops, and amended by-laws. Free breakfasts were offered by Action For Healthy Kids and Ohio AAA. The National Convention was held in Columbus, Ohio on June 20-23, 2019.

SCHOLARSHIPS :Scholarships of $ 500.00 each are awarded annually to graduating public high schools who are continuing their education at the college level. The number of scholarships awarded were 97.

MEMBER SERVICES AND ADVOCACY :A free newsletter is published eight times a year and is written by the Board Directors. It is send to subscribers by email and stored at the Ohio Congress website. The newsletter is free.Some Board Members train delegates on current legislation that is happening at the Ohio Statehouse. Some Board Members also testify to committees at the Statehouse. Others work with groups, legislators and the Governor to have an impact on school funding and legislation involving the education of children.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Jackie ArendtVP of Leadership12$0
Lisa WeaverVP for Field Service12$0
Cindy SchanzSecretaryTreasurer12$0
Ana ChapmanPresident12$0
Shannon WeberDistrict Advisor3$0
Sheila RaglandImmediate Past President3$0
Rebecca GawsyszawskiDistrict Advisor3$0
Lisa CatalanoDistrict Advisor3$0
Carol BeasleyDistrict Advisor3$0
Camille PetersonDistrict Advisor3$0
Dana PaulDistrict Advisor3$0
Rebecka AdamsDistrict Advisor3$0
Lois MonroeDistrict Advisor3$0
Debbie TidwellDistrict-Advocacy3$0
Nicole LesnickDirector-Diversity and Inclus3$0
Venezuela RobinsonDirector-Communications3$0
Angela RevayDirector-Membership3$0
Maria LangDirector-Events3$0
Barb VarleyDirector-Health Welfare Safet3$0
Gerri BeresDirector-Family School Partne3$0
Linda ReadDirector-Bylaws and Standing3$0
Jackie ArendtDirector-Education3$0

Data for this page was sourced from XML published by IRS (public 990 form dataset) from: https://s3.amazonaws.com/irs-form-990/202041369349301204_public.xml