2011 Riverside Dr Lower Level, Columbus, OH 43221

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: To promote and support the area's business community

Promotion of discounted services for members, provided by fellow members of the chamber, and promotion of member businesses to the general public. The Chamber uses its website, direct mail, events and other platforms to promote area business within the chamber and to the general public.

Membership education and networking; the chamber conducts monthly programs for its membership, which are designed to provide education, information, and networking opportunities which give members the ability to grow their business

Provide funding to local businesses and individuals to further their education, business knowledge, or presence in the community. Business and individuals in need are welcome to petition the chamber for direct financial assistance. Funds must be used in a manner that better themselves or the community.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Michelle WilsonExecutive Director40$43,157
Stephanie EvansExecutive Director40$23,741
Molly PensylTrustee1$0
Doug OldhamTrustee1$0
Justin MoodleyTrustee1$0
Kevin FixTrustee1$0
Kara GrantSecretary4$0
Edie BloughTrustee1$0
Rob MaccabeeTrustee1$0
Pat MeyerTrustee1$0
Jason ClaytonTrustee1$0
Laura OldhamImm Past President1$0
Joe MenningerVice President4$0
Curtis OnofriTreasurer4$0
Daniel BartholomewPresident4$0

Data for this page was sourced from XML published by IRS (public 990 form dataset) from: