4770 Indianola Avenue Suite 290, Columbus, OH 43214

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: We worship and glorify God in an atmosphere of love, unity, and fellowship; preach the Gospel to every nation, making disciples of Christ equip ministers for fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ; save the lost and minister to their needs to the glory of God; and seek to restore the humanity and prepare the coming back of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Victorious Army of Christ Mission International aims to solve life problems through the Word of God and through humanitarian actions.

Provided financial support to dispensaries in Togo and Benin in an effort to assist in the provision of healthcare; provided pill boxes to elderly to ease medication management. Provided assistance to single mothers and prostitutes that are trying to change their lives in Togo, Benin, Ghana, and Congo. Operated a monthly produce market to donate fresh produce and clothes to the community in Columbus, Ohio; Provided car seats, diapers, and wipes to mothers and babies.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Victor AbaloCo-Coordinator, Minnesota Branch2$0
Victoria MessanCoordinator, Minnnesota Branch2$0
Nicole EdohAcct. Coordinator, Minnesota Branch2$0
Olga GozoDirector & Co-Secretary2$0
Adjo AnyinefaDirector & Secretary2$0
Sevi AfanviDirector & Treasurer/CFO2$0
Oliver Derick SharpeChairman of the Board & Vice-President2$0
Bishop Komlan Innocent SegohFounding President & Director50$0

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