21227 443rd Ave, Lake Preston, SD 57249

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: To provide support and facilitate the promotion of cattle or livestock production in the state of South Dakota. To solicit, receive administer,and distribute a fund or real and personal objects

To promote cattle production including educating the public as to the benfits of a heathly diet including beef and promoting the need to providing funding for food for nutritionaly insecure a benefit is held with proceeds used to provide funding to Feeding South Dakota to buy beef.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Allison JensenExecutive Director25$35,000
Laura BensonDirector1$0
Brian GilbertDirector1$0
Donny LeddyDirector1$0
Jared KnockDirector1$0
Matt BodeDirector1$0
Troy SwansonDirector1$0
Tyler MelroeDirector1$0
Roxanne KnockDirector1$0
Josh LarsonDirector1$0
Jean WilkinsonSec/Treasurer2$0
Cory EichDirector1$0
Todd Wilkinsonvice President1$0
Ryan EichlerPresident2$0

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