5145 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22304

Total Revenue
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Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The Organization was formed with the chief purpose of participating in the ongoing education of the American public on issues of current concern to the general public.

American Service Council is a 501(C)(4) non-profit organization that gives the American People a voice in Washington, DC on many conservative issues: Religious Freedom, Pro Family Rights, Social Security Protection, and English as the Official Language.Our Direct Mail Program educates Americans on these issues and if they wish to take action, provides them with an opportunity to send petitions, ballots, surveys and polls to elected officials in Washington, DC urging passage of specific legislation related to each issue. From October 2015 through September 2016, as part of our Direct Mail Campaign, American Service Council sent out the following number of educational letters and correspondence to concerned citizens across America under these specific campaigns:Americans for Faith and Freedom 880,832Americans for One Language 213,268Christian Voice 286,220National Council for Survivors4,643,658Seniors Advocate1,128,820Total:7,152,798 American Service Council also collected the following number of petitions for delivery to Washington, DC for these specific campaigns:Americans for Faith and Freedom147,929 Americans for One Language 39,205 Christian Voice 55,535 National Council for Survivors497,413Seniors Advocate112,329Total:852,411 In addition to our Direct Mail Campaign and delivery of petitions to Washington, DC, American Service Council is distributing copies of our book, Building the Shining City.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Tonya MitchellDirector40$54,000
Mattew SmythSecretaryTreasurer4$0
Rodney MealyPresident4$0

Data for this page was sourced from XML published by IRS (public 990 form dataset) from: