110 Stewart Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22301

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Organizations Filed Purposes: EAGLE-U.S. is organized for the promotion of environmental conservation and the rule of law by supporting projects geared towards developing civic activism and collaborating with governments and civil society to improve the application of national and international environmental legislation with the aim of generating a strong deterrent against the illegal trades in wildlife, timber and other environment-related criminal activities, including corruption.

In 2019, EAGLE US continued its support to EAGLE's partner in Gabon, AALF. Examples of AALF's 2019 accomplishments include the following: Four ivory traffickers were arrested with 128 kg of ivory in Gabon in November. One of them is a Cameroonian, well connected to trafficking rings in Cameroon. He, together with another trafficker, was arrested after police stopped their car, and ivory was intercepted in the car concealed in rice bags. The third trafficker escaped in another car, after being chased and stopped by police he was arrested as well, and more ivory was found in his car concealed under the seats in rice bags. After arriving to the police station, they denounced a fourth trafficker who was arrested the same day; A corrupt prison security officer arrested in Gabon in June with two other traffickers in the capital city. The three were arrested during an attempt to sell two ivory tusks just after they arrived to the place of transaction by private bus and carried the contraband inside of a motel in a large bag. The prison officer massacred the elephant in the North-East of the country in order to trade the tusks; and 3 Senegalese ivory traffickers arrested with 2 tusks, cut to 8 pieces in Gabon in February. The three brothers brought the ivory in their car, well concealed in a rice bag, packed in boxes. They evaded law enforcement for a long time, being known as notorious traffickers. They were activating a network of traffickers and poachers in Southeast Gabon and trafficking the ivory to Cameroon. Please see our 2019 Annual Report for more:

In 2019, EAGLE assisted wildlife conservation efforts in Senegal through its partner, Senegal ONG Eagle. Examples of Senegal's 2019 achievements include the following: 4 big cat skins traffickers arrested in Senegal in April. A trafficker arrested in Dakar with 3 lion heads skins and other contraband, including lion bones, vulture heads, oryx horns and other contraband, concealed in rice bags. 3 leopard skin traffickers arrested in a double-operation clamping down on two different trafficking groups. Two traffickers were arrested with 2 leopard skins and 3 skins of harnessed bushbuck, species fully protected in Senegal. They were arrested in their home in the attempt to sell the skins, concealed in a bag. The third one was arrested with one leopard skin, which he attempted to sell in a market. He carried the skin concealed in a millet bag; A big cat skin trafficker arrested in Senegal in July during an attempt to sell a lion skin, a leopard skin and two crocodile skins. He transported them concealed in a millet bag and a backpack. More contraband was found during the house search in his house, including crocodile and python skins; and A leopard skin trafficker arrested on Christmas Eve with one leopard skin in Senegal near Guinean border. The trafficker was swiftly arrested in the act in a restaurant with the skin concealed in a black backpack., He was connected to a network of Guinean poachers, supplying him with skins, which he had been selling in Senegal for at least two years. He is also involved in gold mining. He remains behind bars awaiting trial. For more information please see our 2019 Annual Report:

The following are excerpts from our 2019 annual report that describe our work in Benin: 3 traffickers arrested with 3 tusks in Benin in April. The first one was arrested in the act during an attempt to sell the tusks in a restaurant. Two other traffickers were waiting for the result of the transaction in front of the restaurant with the motorbike used for transporting the tusks. When police approached them one of them escaped, but the Coordinator himself together with police forces chased him and led the team to find him hiding in a room of an old woman nearby. 5 ivory traffickers arrested in Benin in June in two operations. 3 ivory traffickers, one of them a local politician, arrested with two tusks. Two of them were arrested in the act after they arrived with the contraband concealed in a backpack. They revealed a third trafficker, who entrusted them to sell the ivory. He was arrested the next day, he turned out to be an elected local chief. 2 ivory traffickers arrested with three tusks. They were arrested shortly after they arrived to the place of transaction on a motorbike with the contraband. They denounced a third trafficker, an arrest warrant on him was issued immediately. 3 traffickers, one of them Nigerian, arrested with 4 tusks in Benin in September. They waited until the midnight before they arrived at the place of transaction, with the contraband carefully packed in two jute bags, hoping that late night will serve them as a cover. Instead, they were swiftly arrested and remain behind bars awaiting trial. 3 ivory traffickers arrested with two tusks in Benin in October. Two arrived to the place of transaction on a motorbike and the third one carried the contraband on a motor tricycle concealed in jute bag. They were arrested in the act and they remain behind bars awaiting trial.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Caroline KennedyTreasurer, Administrator1$0
Ofir DroriPresident, Secretary and Board of Directors Member1$0
Adam RobertsBoard Member0$0
Jean FlemmaBoard Member0$0

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