2800 Shirlington Rd No 1200, Arlington, VA 22206

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Organizations Filed Purposes: Susan B Anthony List Education Fund, d/b/a Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) is formed for the express purpose of research and educational communications on abortion and the right to life as well as the legal defense of freedom of speech.

Research and educational communications on abortion and the right to life

Media & Communications - In 2019, CLI hired its first communications staff member due to the growing demand for its scientific and statistical commentary. CLI staff and its more than 60 issue experts were quoted more than 360 times by major news outlets, including The Washington Post, Washington Examiner, National Review, Daily Caller, CNN,, and The Members of the CLI team were also featured on a total of 30 radio and television programs, and wrote 16 op-eds, including ones placed in the Washington Examiner, National Review, Public Discourse, and The Daily Signal. In 2019, CLI published 11 policy papers on its website and had six scholarly papers published in peer-reviewed journals. CLI's social media engagement and reach also increased due to its dedicated communications staff. CLI launched a new website focused on reaching women seeking chemically-induced abortion, to educate on its harms, facilitate self-reporting of complications to the FDA, allow for sharing of their experiences with chemical abortion on the site, and provide a one-click-away connection to the Abortion Pill Rescue Network. CLI also provided media support for the Trump Administration's "Protect Life Rule". CLI information bolstered the Administration in the run-up to the new rule, building on CLI staff members' historic research on the purpose of Section 1008 of PHSA Title X.

Issue Advocacy and Education - In 2019, The SBA List Education Fund launched advocacy and educational efforts on a number of different issues related to the pro-life movement. These efforts included direct lobbying and grassroots lobbying, where applicable, with particular focus on expansion of public support for pregnancy help centers that prefer and support the choice to carry babies to term. The organization continued to support the drafting and delivery of expert testimony, participating in 23 legislative testimonies, including 16 at the state level and seven at the federal level. CLI conducted three full policy and science briefings on Capitol Hill, participated in a variety of state educational conferences, sponsored and submitted more than a dozen amicus briefs in federal court cases, and commented on the need for legal protections for infants born alive after abortion.

Data Analytics - In 2019 CLI's Data Analytics Department continued to produce independent analysis of issues in public health and maternal-fetal medicine. The Department made its first requests for data pulls from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for a series of 2020 studies on the impact of abortion on Medicaid patients' utilization of other publicly funded services. In 2019, we added eight associate scholars, with a range of experience in neonatology, obstetrics and gynecology, biology, and pediatrics.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Charles DonovanPresident45$216,100
David PrenticeVP of Research40$159,529
Robert KaniaTreasurer (part year)2$0
Susan B Anthony List IncTrustee2$0
John SolbergSr. Adviser to President (part year)10$0
William ValentineVice President of Public Policy10$0
Bryant CongerSr. Adviser to the President10$0
Jennifer GrossVP of Administration/Treasurer4$0
Emily BuchananExecutive Vice President7$0
Marjorie DannenfelserSBA List President7$0

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