4 Tara Ct, Palmyra, VA 229633331

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The 2,000 artist/members of the Mid-Atlantic District of the Barbershop Harmony Society bring joy to the lives of those we touch. The District brings together men of all ages and experience, cultivates extraordinary singing and showmanship, promotes fellowship and camaraderie, and makes a difference in people's lives. Through public performance, vocal instruction, support of music education at all age levels in communities from New York to Virginia, we are making the music that's making a difference.

Music Education: Dozens of highly qualified volunteers conduct educational programs targeted at all age levels. The largest program, Harmony College East (HCE), had to be cancelled due to the Covid19 outbreak. Other programs for judge certification, director development, and youth programs were also affected, although there was one large youth festival. The District also conducts a Top Gun quartet weekend where selected, high achieving quartets receive training from the best volunteer coaches across the Society. Coaching support extends to other quartets and chapter choruses through a grant program that offsets a portion of the coach's expenses.

Leadership Education: In addition to music education, the District provides management and leadership training to chapter and District leadership. The primary means is through 2-3 Leadership Academies held across the District. The training sessions provide chapter leaders with the latest information and thinking on chapter management. The District also sends its leadership to the annual Society leadership forum that trains and cultivates future leaders in leadership skills, understanding of mission/vision, planning, program prioritization and best practices that will support chapters, choruses and quartets in our District.

Music Programs: The Mid-Atlantic District produces three to five contests every year, where District chapters and registered quartets compete to qualify for District honors and to qualify for the annual international convention. In 2020, the process was interrupted by the Covid19 outbreak and all scheduled conventions were cancelled.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
John MarkelSecretary10$0
David WelterTreasurer10$0
Brian SchreinerExecutive Vice-President15$0
Dennis RitcheyImmediate Past President5$0
Robert EckmanPresident15$0
Chas ByrumBoard Member at Large5$0
Dylan LupoBoard Member at Large5$0
Glenn PhillipsBoard Member at Large5$0
Steve KirschBoard Member at Large5$0

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