1122 E PIKE STREET 1313, SEATTLE, WA 98122

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Three Dollar Bill Cinema fosters deeper community engagement by showcasing queer film programming, educational experiences, and social dialogue.

Seattle Queer Film Festival: 11 days, 117 films, approximately 5000 attendees. The festival went online this year due to COVID-19. The festival has been a part of the Greater Seattle LGBT community and beyond for 25 years and has become the largest festival of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. SQFF has been recognized nationally for showcasing award-winning and diverse film. This festival is a key event in the local film community as it supports the emotional and mental wellbeing of the LGBTQ+ members via visibility as well as an outlet for creative representation though film and video.

Translations: Seattle Transgender Film Festival: A four-day event, showing 27 films/programs, with approximately 700 attendees. Three Dollar Bill presents this groundbreaking film festival to provide a venue for films, by, for, and about transgendered people, encouraging visibility and positive representations of transgender issues. 2020 took us online for our first ever virtual festival. The festival launched in 2006 and is one of only a few transgendered film festivals in the world.

Reel Queer Youth: was a week-long video production and media literacy training for LGBTQ+ youth and allies ages 13-18. This year our program went virtual. It covered the use of cameras, editing, scriptwriting, as a creative vehicle for participants to express themselves in a safe, open, and fun environment with a team of professional filmmakers and mentors. The end films created are shown at our Seattle Queer Film Festival.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Kathleen MullenCONTRACT ED40$48,470
Scott RiceDirector10$0
Patti HearnDirector10$0
Michael BiniDirector10$0
Christopher ShieldsSecretary10$0
Fatima AviquivilTreasurer10$0
Telved DevletPresident20$0

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