1610 Nisqually Street, Steilacoom, WA 98388

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: To serve the public by preserving local culture and historic artifacts, enabling present and future generations to learn about and maintain the heritage of the Town of Steilacoom. Main activities are administering the museum, maintaining three historic buildings, and conducting educational activities.

Museum Operations: The Association owns and manages the Steilacoom Historical Museum and three historical buildings. The cost of utilities, repairs, etc., for these properties are consolidated so expenses are estimates. The museum has rotating displays on different aspects of the history of the Town of Steilacoom and the surrounding area. The facilities are staffed by volunteers and docents. The museum is also used as a classroom and office for the Association. There is a museum store/gift shop that is also online. Donations are accepted at each facility.

Education: SHMA docents and volunteers set up exhibits and informational materials. There is a self-guided walking tour of the Town of Steilacoom's Historical District and historical landmarks. Monthly presentations are given by historians on various topics. Other activities are arranged with 4th grade and 7th grade students as part of their curriculum and a separate Kids Club for grade schoolers. A semi-monthly newsletter keeps members up to date on the Association's mission and historical topics.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Joanne DunsmoreRecording Secretary4$0
Austra FaulkTreasurer6$0
French WetmoreDirector16$0
Jody SnyderTrustee4$0
Matt DruryTrustee4$0
Robert AtenTrustee4$0
Barbara KurtzTrustee4$0
Cindy HaverkampTrustee4$0
Phil LynchTrustee4$0
Carolyn GuppyTrustee4$0
Sherrie GimlettTrustee4$0
Adam FaulkVice President4$0
Pete FranklinPast President4$0
Connie KirkpatrickPresident8$0

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