2360 Dayton St, Aurora, CO 80010

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The mission of Heavy Hands Heavy Hearts Foundation is to Provide an education, friendly, entertaining and safe place that helps youth and adults acquire essential skills and knowledge to become self- sufficient

Heavy Hands Heavy Hearts youth development program instills self discipline and stamina in youth through a practice of Mixed Martial Arts Mentoring in a safe community space.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Lumumba SayersBoard Member40$11,700
Travis HollandBoard Treasurer1$0
Val RobinsonBoard Member1$0
Jennifer EwaBoard Member1$0
Rickey HaneyBoard Member1$0
Kinshasa SayersBoard Member1$0
Yvette SayersBoard Secretary1$0
Robert YarbroughBoard Member1$0
Rhonda MarshallBoard Member1$0
Alfred SayersPresident1$0

Data for this page was sourced from XML published by IRS (public 990 form dataset) from: https://s3.amazonaws.com/irs-form-990/202041899349301019_public.xml