1508 S Laredo Ct, Aurora, CO 80017

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: YCLH engages todays youth in our past through historical reenactments. These reenactments give students the opportunity to experience the hardships and strains of war, while developing critical thinking skills about history and understanding how our past has shaped our present.

The organization accomplishes this by dressing students in Civil War or Revolutionary War era uniforms and teaching both authentic drills and self discipline in an educational and fun manner. The students take a day to recreate and film a battle re-enactment in conjuction with music, storytelling, teaching acting skills, providing learning games, and hosting other realted activities. The re-creation of the battle involves busing students to a filming site and offers a variety of other history programs such as interactive soldiers debate, womens roles in history, manners and etiquette, Haversack talk, dance instruction and preparation for a Civil War Ball. The activities are provided over 2,800 public and private school students in the Denver area.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Darrell OsburnPresident40$16,000
Kayla DisharoonSecretary Treasurer5$5,439
Jonelle ApkingDirector2$0
John LowreyDirector2$0

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