41880 S Pedersen Drive, Antioch, IL 60002

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The business and purpose of CCKC shall be the preservation of game, game fish, birds and all natural resources and the promotion and preservation of the shooting sports; to procure the enactment of conservation law ensuring a better protection and management of game, fish, birds and natural resources; to promote cooperation by education and publicity in the proper enforcement of game laws and to provide means and opportunity for closer unity and fellowship among sportsmen, nature lovers and conservation-minded people. To promote and encourage the replenishing of our game coverts with game and the waters of our rivers and lakes with fish; to assist in feeding and preservation of wild life in case of emergency and to carry on a campaign of education to acquaint the public with our state's conservation program and the desirability of protecting our wildlife.

Rifle, Trap, and Pistol Ranges/Nature trails; fish pond open with tours conducted for schools; arboretum; refuge for wildlife; operate hunter safety course; police and sheriff departments use ranges for marksmanship qualifications; club for member activities and groups; open to the public.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Daniel ChristiansenDirector2$5,430
Dennis HartmannDirector2$0
Sergio PappaDirector2$0
Rebecca PauknerDirector2$0
Andrew HillerDirector2$0
Mark DelcaseDirector2$0
Dennis CroninDirector2$0
Alex ModicDirector2$0
George BroeckerDirector2$0
Scott JacksonDirector2$0
Gerald LisDirector2$0
Susan D'AloiaTreasurer10$0
Karen HartmannSecretary2$0
Paul ColemanPresident5$0
Stan RaciakVice President2$0

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