450 West Third Street, El Paso, IL 61738

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Can Do Kids helps children experience Gods love, learn Gods word and live Gods way. In addition to domestic CDK Clubs, it has grown to help kids internationally, especially those in poverty. CDK equips those who lead and love children with tools, training, support and opportunities to help children practically and spiritually.

In Kenya CDK built 6 water systems, serving 2.4K students their communities. We assisted with 86 school feeding programs, sponsored 36 impoverished kids 10 families trained more than 500 pastors volunteers.

Construction of 6 water systems in public schools in rural Kenya that provide clean, safe, accessible water to 2400 students and school staff in addition to providing water to the local communities where the schools are located.

Assisting 86 schools with feeding and educational programs and sponsoring 36 orphan and/or at-risk students and 10 impoverished families in Kenya.

Development and production of curriculm, leadership and program materials for local CDK clubs in churches and sports leagues in Unites States, Kenya, Ukraine and Phillipines. Sponsorship of foreign clubs and training of more than 500 pastors and volunteer leaders involved with childrens ministry.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Jennifer RothExecutive Director Assistant Secretary40$19,181
Thomas RothDirector of Operations Assistant Treasurer40$1,129
Tom HandSecretary/Treasurer1$0
Mark MillerVice Chairman1$0
Michael HortonChairman1$0
Parker ScheuermannBoard of Directors1$0
Courtney ReidBoard of Directors1$0
Stan VoudrieBoard of Directors0.5$0
Richard ScheuermannBoard of Directors1$0

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