901 West Howard Street, Pontiac, IL 61764

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: To improve the economic well-being of agriculture and enrich the quality of farm family life.

Young Leaders: 18-35 year-old Ag professionals that work to promote agriculture in Livingston County.

Legislative: We keep a strong relationship with local, state and national legislators through a variety of programs throughout the year so we are able to talk with them about issues in agriculture.

Ag in the classroom: Programs to teach children as well as adults where their food comes from.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Christopher BuntingManager40$65,540
Ashley RalphDirector0.5$0
Roger WahlsDirector0.5$0
Ron JenkinsDirector0.5$0
Brad SchmidgallDirector0.5$0
Joseph PalenDirector0.5$0
Don MackinsonDirector0.5$0
Craig SwartzDirector0.5$0
Jenna KilgusPromotionsChair0.5$0
Sarah HoernerYoung Ldr Chair0.5$0
Shelby HoernerDirector0.5$0
Dennis HaabDirector0.5$0
Jesse FaberDirector0.5$0
Dennis KrippelDirector0.5$0
Kevin EhlersDirector0.5$0
Dan ParkerDirector0.5$0
Brenda CollinsDirector0.5$0
Steve CarrollDirector0.5$0
Don ImmkeTreasurer0.5$0
Matt KilgusVice President0.5$0
Jason BuntingPresident0.5$0

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