1361 State Hwy 128, Shelbyville, IL 62565

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The Farm Bureau is organized to promote marketing of agricultural products and to provide educational and social activites for its members in Shelby County, Illinois. The organization is supported primarily through membership dues, franchise revenues and grants.

The Farm Bureau promotes marketing of agricultural products and provides educational and social activities for its members in Shelby County, Illinois.

The Shelby County Farm Bureau exists for the benefit of its members to provide agricultural information and support.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
David McdonaldSecretary/Treasurer2$220
Robert HemerPresident2$220
Brian RinckerDirector1$165
Ed ThompsonDirector1$165
Fred NaberDirector1$165
David KoonsDirector1$165
Aaron HuffmasterDirector1$165
Jesse DurbinDirector1$165
Roy YantisVice President1$165
Jeremy MottDirector1$150
Aaron DownsDirector1$135
Dennis WirthDirector1$135
Austin RinckerDirector1$135
Steve KesslerDirector1$135
Joe HoeneDirector1$135
Clint FoorDirector1$135
Debbie CruitDirector1$135
Jesse SchmahlDirector1$120
Michael BuchananDirector1$120
Dusty RinckerDirector1$105
David GreggDirector1$90
Matthew BennettDirector1$30
Neil StormDirector1$0
Tom HorsmanDirector1$0

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