28 SUMMERHILL LANE, TOWN AND COUNTRY, MO 63017 jamaicadentalmission.org

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The Purpose of the Organization is to provide free dental care to underserved Jamaican Children and adults in Jamaica.

The Organization served 1018 patients in 2019, providing oral care to 332 Juveniles and 686 adults. Five hundred and thirty nine prohies, 258 fluoride applications, 26 sealants,16 quadrants of scaling and root planing, 617 routine extractions, 46 surgical extractions, 84 glass ionomer restorations, 2 amalgam restorations, 297 composites, and 31 partial dentures were provided.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Marguerite ChinnDIRECTOR2$0
Elio ReyesSECRETARY2$0
Barbara PolackTREASURER2$0
Karen RichardsonVICE PRESIDENT2$0
Dwight McleodPRESIDENT5$0

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