110 Fountain Park Drive, Battleboro, NC 27809

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Strengthening NC economy and creating a better tomorrow for all North Carolinians by advancing innovative, community-based economic development strategies that improve the quality of life where NC residents live, work and play.

Advocacy/Public Policy: Guided by proactive and engaged low-income residents, NCACDC is pursuing equitable development strategies through land use management and other policy changes that will increase and protect price-appropriate housing for struggling working families, create safer, more appealing streets and downtowns, enlarge access to healthy foods, enhance public health and environmental stewardship, and improve jobs and transportation services. NCACDC seeks to promote and expand resident participation in meaningful, powerful and representative civic engagement activities. As a result of NCACDCs programmatic efforts, increased low-income resident involvement in key community change activities has been achieved. By recognizing the value added low-wealth residents brought to the table with their informed comments about their neighborhoods, city officials and neighborhood residents began working together in an effective partnership to reach a shared goal.

Since its inception, NCACDC has been working to strengthen communities and increase economic opportunities. In a historically distressed community experiencing significant economic recovery and transformation, NCACDC is focused on a comprehensive strategy that encompasses place-based improvements to racially segregated disinvested neighborhoods and approaches to improve health outcomes for those who experience the greatest health disparities. As the region works to generate positive economic impact, NCACDC has structured a community-driven model capable of replication elsewhere to guide one citys transformation in equitable development directions. NCACDC supports the notion that those most impacted by the problems confronting our communities must be at the center of change efforts. NCACDCs model provides resident-level education and leadership development services, with the goal of expanding individual capacities and enhancing community

Disaster Recovery: Since climate hazards, especially natural disasters, are likely to increase poverty, worsen inequities, exacerbate food insecurity and cause health problems in economically strapped regions like Eastern NC, NCACDC has carried out post-hurricane recovery activities by joining a hurricane recovery coalition comprised of non-profit, governmental and non-governmental entities. Working with the coalition, NCACDC has helped to secure state and federal recovery resources for housing and other community development needs in flood impacted communities.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Susan Perry-ColePresident40$60,200
Lenwood LongTreasurer0.25$0
Joyce DickensBoard Chair0.5$0
Cathy Alston-KearneyDirector0.25$0
Mavis HillDirector0.25$0
John BarnesDirector0.25$0
Carl ManningDirector0.25$0
Sharon Bey-ChristopherDirector0.25$0
Arlene LawsonDirector0.25$0
Stephanie Swepson-TwittyDirector0.25$0

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