PO BOX 591, WARSAW, NC 283980591

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: To propagate the knowledge of Christian religion. To minister to the whole man: spirit, soul and body.

Programs and workshops to build Christian education.

Youth day was held to increase Christian knowledge and educational skills.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
A J ConnorsModerator60$13,090
Cora MillerTreasurer7.5$6,540
Marie JacksonSecretary2$640
Kenneth MorriseySecond Vice Moderator2$215
Wendell NewtonOfficer2$190
Elwood McphailFirst Vice Moderator2$190
Robert McgowanInternal Auditor2$80
Gloria EzzellAssistant Treasurer1$70
Christa FaisonOfficer1$50
Larry BellTrustee2$20

Data for this page was sourced from XML published by IRS (public 990 form dataset) from: https://s3.amazonaws.com/irs-form-990/202013309349300001_public.xml