3746 Cedar Ridge Road, Allison Park, PA 15101

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: The Foundation was formed to support the operations of Rebecca Residence, a facility offering skilled nursing, personal care, independent living, and rehab/therapy services, located in Allison Park, PA.

Rebecca Residence Foundation (The Foundation) distributed $444,234 during the period from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 in support of the operation of Rebecca Residence. Per the Funding and Indemnification Agreement between Rebecca Residence Foundation and Concordia Lutheran Health and Human Care (the sole member for Rebecca Residence), 50% of the funds disbursed to Rebecca Residence are to be designated for use at Rebecca Residence by the Foundation Board of Directors. This included $118,676 in resident subsidies, $32,013 used for landscaping at the facility, $33,684 for activities, $12,000 for updating the SNF resident lounges, $5,000 for new signage in the facility, $5,000 for new perennial plantings around the facility, $3,000 used for the resident Christmas party, $3,000 for a new waterfall at the pond, $3,000 for Antique Restoration, $2,162 for aviary maintenance, $1,804 towards aquarium maintenance, $1,578 to purchase fresh flowers for the residents, $450 for supplies for a popcorn machine, $350 for a carnival for residents and their families, and $400 for an employee appreciation bonus. The other 50% of the funds disbursed are to be used at the discretion of Rebecca Residence.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Susan CreightonChair1$0
Mike Kaufman-See Sch OBoard Member, Executive Director of Rebecca Residence1$0
Alex HowsonBoard Member1$0
Glenda LarsonBoard Member1$0
Marion FindlayBoard Member1$0
Carey NorthBoard Member1$0
Georgia StewartBoard Member1$0
Missy UnkovicBoard Member1$0
Connor HageyBoard Member1$0
Michelle DomeisenBoard Member1$0
Paul BrandBoard Member1$0

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