640 Buck Run Road, East Fallowfield, PA 19320

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: St. Josephs House, Inc. embraces the gospel of life through three main program services - authentic Catholic education through St. Philomena Academy a hybrid school, assistance to widows, orphans and families, and Catholic evangelization. St. Josephs House, Inc. is run by lay people and does not operate as an organization of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

St. Josephs House, Inc. strives to accomplish its mission through three main service programs, 1. St. Philomena Academy - a K-12 hybrid school, 2. Assistance to widows, orphans and families and 3. Evangelization

St. Josephs House, Inc. provides sanctuary and hospice to individuals and families as well as financial and other assistance to widows, families and individuals.

St. Josephs House, Inc. made donations to various Church and Catholic organizations to promote the new evangelization and the culture of life.

St. Josephs House, Inc. conducted a tuition-free Catholic Hybrid School Program for up to 150 students.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Donna KurtzBoard Member40$0
Chris GalliganBoard Member5$0
Tullio Falini JrBoard Member5$0

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