PO Box 549, Grove City, PA 16127

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Call of Hope exists to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ acccessible to muslims and to support persecuted Christians through creative media, relational evangelism, discipleship, humanitarian aid, and church-planting initiatives.

To make the Gospel of Jesus Christ acccessible to muslims and to support persecuted Christians.

Humanitarian Aid - Call of Hope provides food, medical aid, education, shelter, and other life essentials as we share the love of Christ to those who need it most. Our goal in every project is to provide both immediate relief and a sustainable solution to the problems that individuals and families are facing.

Relational Evangelism - Call of Hope's frontline workers are uniquely positioned to build relationships with their friends and neighbors. Through acts of service, involvement in the community, and the development of friendships, relational evangelism has become a clear pathway for muslim men and women to experience the love of Christ and bear much fruit for the gospel.

Bibles & Literature and Discipleship - Call of Hope provides bibles and other Christian literature in the native languages of the countries in which we work. We also provide training in the word of God and guidance in living in the culture as a new believer in Christ.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Ron ChiricostaExecutive Director20$0
Timoth SiskDirector1$0
Valerian MoellarDirector1$0
Volker HelmsSecretary/Treasurer1$0
Samuel NaamenVice President1$0
Stefano FehrPresident1$0

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