PO Box 624, Ligonier, PA 15658

Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Educating, inspiring, and promoting excellence in mosaic arts.

The Society of American Mosaic Artists held its 16th annual conference, The American Mosaic Summit, May 2-6, 2017 in Detriot, MI. Attendees from around the world enjoyed 5 days of workshops, lectures, presentations and tours on various aspects of the mosaic art and business. The even culminated with the Mosiac Arts International juried art show which included 35 pieces on display at the location, 11 offsite installation represented pictorally and an on site display by featured artist Verdiano Marzi.

Members were offered an opportunity to participate in SOFA (Structual Objects and Functional Art) by submitting a mosiac to be displayed in a demonstration booth where local mosiac artists presented a demonstration of a mosiac creation. This annual event is held in Chicago and is attended by thousands of visitors. Over 100 members participated in this year's event.

Groutline E-JournalThis quarterly publication distributed to all current members (membership ranges from 700-1000) which includes an instructional and inspirational article, news from around the international community as well as book reviews and member spotlights.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Dawnmarie Zimmermanexecutive director40$48,879
J Davisboard member10$0
Erin Blissboard member10$0
Nida Khalilfuture exhibitions comm10$0
Y AllenVolunteers10$0
Susan Jeffreysfundraising chair10$0
G GamaSponsorship10$0
L A Riveragovernance chair10$0
Libby Hintzmembership director15$0
Donna Postsecretary15$0
P BryantTreasurer15$0
Tami MacalaVice President15$0
Jacki GranPresident30$0

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