Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets

Organizations Filed Purposes: Our goal is to increase access to donated fresh produce and other highly nutritious foods to area hunger-relief sites that serve the at-risk, food-insecure population by providing local farmers and food producers with free, effective delivery and distribution of their surplus.

Over the last eight years, we have distributed 2,400,000 pounds of healthy food from 45 farm partners to more than 60 hunger relief sites, including food pantries, shelters, soup kitchens, and low-income senior and health centers. The distribution of nutritious food benefits more than 22,200 adults and children each month in need of help. With the help of more than 200 dedicated volunteers in 2019,we rescued 379, 000 pounds of produce, organic meats and dairy. We continue to partner with several other nonprofit organizations to further identify and alleviate hunger and its associated poor nutrition throughout the region. We have increased our nutrition and culinary education outreach program significantly. We remain committed to keeping healthy food out of landfills and diverting it to our neighbors in need.

Executives Listed on Filing

Total Salary includes financial earnings, benefits, and all related organization earnings listed on tax filing

NameTitleHours Per WeekTotal Salary
Cathy SnyderExecutive Dir.40$49,981
Jamie McknightPROGRAM DIR.20$31,075
Evan LideDirector5$0
Kevin StrouseBOARD CHAIR5$0
Regina MirkinDirector5$0
Steven M FinnBoard Emeritus5$0
Lynne SnyderDirector5$0
Maria NicoloDirector5$0
Ellen GibsonVice President5$0

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